Event Details

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Auto Scaling Kubernetes Clusters on OpenStack

One of the key features of Kubernetes is to make up and down scaling of your application workloads as easy as possible. In this talk you will learn how to setup and use the horizontal pod autoscaler to dynamically up and down scale pods in complex setups. We are also excited to show you how we built a node autoscaler for Kubernetes on OpenStack, which allows to add worker nodes to running clusters, before the horizontal pod autoscaler runs out of resources. We will also give you an overview of the current state of the vertical autoscaler in Kubernetes. When configured, it will set the resource requests for CPU and memory automatically based on usage and thus allow proper scheduling onto nodes so that the appropriate resource amount is available for each pod.

Tuesday, November 13, 5:10pm-5:50pm (4:10pm - 4:50pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Senior System Engineer
Bastian is a System Engineer at SysEleven, a full-service hosting company, where he focuses on bringing the power Kubernetes to its customers. Before that he was caring about performance, monitoring, web-security and developer productivity at ResearchGate, the social network for researchers and scientists. When he is not developing stuff or looking at graphs, he likes to cycle, do Yoga, go to... FULL PROFILE
Site Reliability Engineer – Kubernetes
Simon Pearce is a System Architect at SysEleven in Berlin Germany since 2013. He has over 15 years of experience in the web hosting industry. With a focus on building distributed systems on public and private clouds. He is responsible for the kubernetes service team at SysEleven. Working on improving the experience of running multiple kubernetes clusters on a openstack cloud with a quobyte... FULL PROFILE