Speaker Details
T. Nichole Williams is an RHCSA 7 Certified Linux, OpenShift and OpenStack sysadmin, instructor, & dedicated Open Source evangelist. Treva spent 5 years managing Rackspace public cloud infrastructure as a Cloud Virtualization administrator. Treva is an OpenStack Active Technical Contributor & Active User Contributor, and is active in several OpenStack, RDO, OpenShift and Ceph communities and groups. When not OpenStacking, OpenShifting, or Cephing, Treva enjoys doggos, candy, cartoons, and playing "So You Think You're a Marine Biologist" on Google.
Speaking of doggos, Treva frequently travels with her companion pup, Sir Hairold B. Goggington III, & he loves making new friends. Feel free to come up & say hello. :D