Speaker Details

Belmiro Moreira
Cloud Architect, CERN

Belmiro Moreira is an enthusiastic mathematician and computer engineer passionate about the challenges and complexities of architecting and deploying large scale open Cloud Infrastructures.



Belmiro works at CERN and during the last 10 years he has been responsible for the design, 

deployment and maintenance of the CERN Cloud Infrastructure based on Openstack.

Previously he worked in different virtualization projects to improve the efficiency of the large Batch farm at CERN.



Belmiro is from the beginning an active member of the OpenStack community. 

Currently, he is a member of the OpenStack TC (Technical Committee) and the co-chair of the OpenStack Large Scale SIG.

Previously, he was also a member of the OpenStack UC (User Committee). 



Belmiro is particularly interested in the challenges that cloud operators face when maintaining large scale open infrastructures. He talks regularly about his experience in several conferences and events, (OpenStack Summits, OpenStack User Groups, OpenInfra Live, CentOS Dojo, ...) and helps in the organization of many other events.



Belmiro is committed to continue to support the OpenInfra community.



More info: https://www.linkedin.com/in/belmiromoreira/

Tue 135:10pm - 5:50pm ()
Scaling Nova with CellsV2: The Nova Developer and the CERN Operator perspective
Thu 151:40pm - 2:20pm ()
Science Demonstrations: Preemptible Instances at CERN and Bare Metal Containers for HPC at SKA

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