May 8-11, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

OpenStack Cluster Zero-Downtime Upgrade with Kolla

Currently, zero-downtime upgrade is highly demand feature from OpenStack users. Current implementation status in OpenStack is variable between projects and almost projects have not fully implemented rolling upgrade. One among Kolla's deliverables is OpenStack container-based deployment tool, thus adding zero-downtime upgrade support in Kolla is reasonable. Our approach is to implement in Kolla natively without needing support from individual OpenStack service. We propose 2 solutions for this problem. First approach achieve real "zero-downtime" from user PoV if upgrade time is short enough, but fail if upgrade time is too long, and it consumes much memory if system is under heavy load during upgrading. Second approach requires more resources than the first one and user will see a short downtime but does not suffer timeout problem. So we can combine two solutions to get advantages from each. The spec and demo for the 1st solution has been proposed and in review queue of Kolla community.

What can I expect to learn?

- Rolling upgrade implemenation status in OpenStack eco-system.

- Two approaches for achieving zero-downtime upgrade in Kolla (with container technologies).

- Demo for one approach.

Thursday, May 11, 11:00am-11:40am (3:00pm - 3:40pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Vietnam OpenStack UG security guard
Viettel Cloud Specialist Official Vietnam OpenStack User Group organizer Vietnam OPNFV User Group organizer Vietnam FOSS Association Executive Member FULL PROFILE
Software Engineer
I am interested in cloud and fog computing technique with background is computer science. Currently, my main interest project is Kolla and currently, I'm interested with reduce upgrade downtime to zero-downtime. FULL PROFILE
1 Reviews
Posted: 2861 days ago
Very nice content and poc showcase. Really good initiative to take over the zero downtime upgrade criticality. Nice presentation.