BEACON is a Research and Development project, funded by the EU through its H2020 framework programme, focused on techniques to federate cloud network resources, and derive the integrated management cloud layer that enables a secure and automatic deployment of applications and services across federated clouds.
BEACON provides enabling mechanisms, by defining and implementing a cloud networking framework that enables the provisioning of federated inter-cloud infrastructure.
One of the key points of this project is that it is fully driven by real industry uses cases proposed by different cloud actors, such as cloud providers, cloud technology developers, and cloud-user companies and institutions, that are represented by the different partners of the project consortium.
A number of mechanisms, either fully developed or in-progress, will be explained and demonstrated (where feasible), possibly including industrial use cases from project partners, where relevant, among the following:
- OpenStack/OpenNebula-based federated SDN (featuring OVN)
- brokered orchestration (also featuring Heat)
- extensions to public Clouds (e.g., AWS)
- hierarchical LBaaS (featuring Octavia)
- federated SDN monitoring (featuring SkyDive)
- secure service function chaining (SFC) (featuring Tacker)
- federation with IoT/Edge nodes (IoTronic)