May 8-11, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Using OpenStack SDKs to Create My First Cloud Native Application

Cloud native applications are designed, developed, deployed and consumed differently. To be able to innovate applications in the cloud, application developers need help for changing their mindset from the traditional way to the cloud native one.

Have you ever wondered how to create a cloud native application for an OpenStack cloud? Join us and find out how to do it with this hands-on workshop where you will be developing cloud applications using OpenStack APIs and SDKs.

Hands-on labs

  • Web photo album: Interact with Swift API using Shade SDK (Python) to upload and store pictures in an OpenStack cloud and show them in a frontend application.
  • Video encoder:  By using the Gophercloud SDK (Golang), learn how the encoder application communicates with Nova API to launch transcoding workers that convert media files into different formats.

Please bring your laptop with Docker installed and the openstack-shade and openstack-gophercloud images pulled from Docker Hub.


Please note:  session attendance does have a maximum capacity.  All admittance will be on a first come, first served basis.  Thank you for your understanding.   

What can I expect to learn?

By the end of this session you will

  • Understand what is a cloud native application.
  • Have knowledge about the available OpenStack resources for application developers.
  • Learn how to choose the best SDK to build your application and most important, get experience developing cloud native applications that use OpenStack APIs and SDKs.
Wednesday, May 10, 11:00am-12:20pm (3:00pm - 4:20pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Cloud software engineer
Software engineer working on open source projects related to cloud computing. She has been collaborating in the cloud developer experience improvement for OpenStack through SDK development, sample apps, training, hackathons and documentation. FULL PROFILE
2 Reviews
Posted: 2838 days ago
Posted: 2864 days ago
did not give out instructions and got lost early. please give out the PowerPoint so people can go at own pace and can recover if stuck. also make font on terminal more readable, your color scheme was yellow and blue on black