China Mobile have built public cloud using openstack. We have introduced SDN and NFV technology to implement VPC、vFW、vLB、VPC. But there are a lot of things to do with the management of SDN and NFV, such as how to decouple SDN and NFV? How to manage open source and deferent vendors’ VNF? In the past, we have been using neutron to manage both SDN and NFV. Perhaps using tacker to manage NFV can solve these problems.
China Mobile have built the world's largest 4G communication network, with more than 800 million users. Now 5G and NFV have been becoming the trend of development, which will be commercially available in 2020. NFV management and orchestration will be core element of the next generation network manage system. Maybe tacker will succeed in NFV field of the next generation communication network.
- The SDN&NFV solution of China Mobile’s public cloud
- The NFV management difficulty and problem in cloud-computing
- The SDN&NFV manage system architecture after using tacker as NFV manager
- The plan of introducing tacker of China Mobile