May 8-11, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

High Availability for Instances: Moving to a Converged Upstream Solution

Whilst HA of the OpenStack control plane is mostly a solved problem, HA for guest VMs and compute nodes is still a work in progress, with several partially overlapping implementations available based on masakari, Pacemaker, Mistral, and others.

This talk from core members of the OpenStack HA team presents the latest news on a project to converge on a single upstream solution which is modular, flexible, and provides a smooth migration path from already deployed solutions. This project aims to address the User Story defined and prioritised by the Product Working Group in order to address the common requirement for operators who need to run legacy "pet" workloads within their OpenStack clouds.

We will also explain how developers and operators can get involved in this project in order to provide guest HA in their own clouds.

What can I expect to learn?

Attendees can expect to learn:

  • What High Availability of the compute plane (compute nodes, hypervisors, and guest VMs) entails
  • Why High Availability of the compute plane is important
  • A summary of the solutions currently available upstream
  • The status and future plans of the project to converge these solutions
  • How they can get involved with the project
Tuesday, May 9, 2:50pm-3:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Adam Spiers is a Senior Software Architect at Panther Protocol. He previously spent 7 years working on OpenStack at SUSE, leading initiatives to add support for Trusted Execution Environments such as AMD SEV to OpenStack, and to make it easier to deploy in configurations with high availability and self-healing capabilities. Adam has been a passionate supporter and developer of F/OSS since 1995,... FULL PROFILE
Sampath serves as a Research lead at NTT Software Innovation Center. He received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D degrees in Information Science from Osaka University in 2008, 2010, and 2013, respectively. He also engaged in research and development of wireless sensor networks, embedded system development, and contributor to ns-2 (The Network Simulator). In NTT, he focuses on distributed computer... FULL PROFILE
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