High-speed networking, beyond 10 gig in OpenStack is still a very challenging area. OpenStack has 3 possible approaches: SR-IOV, DPDK enabled virtual switch, or offload via intelligent network adapters. SR-IOV while offering high throughput and low latency, limits advanced features such as VXLAN and MPLS based segmentation, security groups and live migration. DPDK based approaches support live migration, VXLAN and MPLS based segmentation and security groups but require significant host resources in order to
process the packets. Intelligent network adapters offer best of both worlds, fast throughput and advanced features while using minimal host resources.
This presentation will detail advantages and disadvantages of various approaches. We will describe our experience in working with Netronome to integrate Agilio SmartNic with OpenContrail and Mirantis OpenStack, provide comparative benchmarks between vRouter DPDK and Agilio and show a quick demo.
Attendees will learn how to build OpenStack networks to deliver 40-gigabit performance, advantages and disadvantages of various high-speed approaches and how to integrate Agilio into OpenStack and Open Contrail and