A talk about how to troubleshoot OpenStack neutron with ML2/Openvswitch.
Experiences are taken from running a public cloud built on OpenStack for several years.
A number of issues encountered in real life will be discussed starting with a description of the issue followed by the process of identifying the problem and how it was fixed. Some general advice on troubleshooting will also be provided as well as examples of tools that can and should be used.
Including but not limited to:
* General information on sources of information
* Making VPNaaS work
* Intermittently lost network connectivity when L3 HA enabled
* Packets into infinity - loops that make you dizzy.
* Sorting out the bad apples - misbehaving customers.
* Repopulating - one namespace at a time.
* The MuTUal agreement - more than you want to know about MTUs.
* Finding issues before the customer does.