Interested in one day taking up the Project Team Lead (PTL) mantle for your project? This talk is for you!
As OpenStack has evolved, so has the PTL role. It used to be a largely technical role (it was actually called Project Technical Lead!), but has since evolved into a demanding role with various undocumented responsibilities. Hear from Matt (3 time Nova PTL), Armando (3 time Neutron PTL), and Steve (3 time Keystone PTL) about the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of the role. We will take you on a light-hearted ride through strategies and stories that can lead you and the team around you to success, as well as strategies that can lead to a painful crash and burn.
Spoiler: the good outweighs the bad and the ugly :)
Attendees (folks interested in becoming future PTLs) will learn about the roles a PTL must fulfill, as well as strategies for dealing with the demands.