Methods and Projects for Deploying OpenStack with Containers
A session to sort out the similarities and differences between the projects deploying OpenStack on container platforms. We will look for ways to effectively communicate differentiation, and also find common areas for collaboration in shared libraries and packaging. Time permitting, we will also evaluate how to do efficient project gating.
Wednesday, May 10, 2:40pm-3:20pm (6:40pm - 7:20pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Senior Strategic Program Manager
Chris Hoge is a Senior Strategic Program Manager for the OpenStack Foundation. He's been an active contributor to the Interop Working Group (formerly DefCore), and helps run the trademark program for the OpenStack Foundation. He also works on collaborations between the OpenStack and Kubernetes communities. Previously he worked as an OpenStack community manager and developer at Puppet Labs, and... FULL PROFILE
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