May 8-11, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Collaboration Between Telecom/NFV Related Groups

OpenStack is recognized as the de-facto standard for the Virtualized Infrastructure Manager(VIM) for Telecom/NFV use cases and there are multiple activities around this topic.

Challenges the session searches solution for:

  • Telecom/NFV requirements and use cases are covered by multiple groups within and external to OpenStack
    • OPNFV
    • Telecom/NFV Operators Functional Team
    • Large Contributing OpenStack Operators (LCOO)
    • Product Working Group (PWG)
    • ETSI NFV
  • Overlapping with Massively Distributed Clouds WG and Large Deployment Team
  • The role and way of working of the different groups is not always clear
  • It can be hard to identify where to enter the related requirements and use cases (where’s the entry point and what’s the process to follow)
  • The collaboration between the groups is not or loosely defined

Goals of the session:

  • Briefly identify the role of each group represented on the session
  • Provide space and time for people from each group to discuss the ways of better collaboration
  • Come up with best practices and guidance for people who're looking into joining the community and interact with these groups
  • Provide the possibility to users and developers to voice their feedback about the operation and collaboration between these groups

Moderators: Shintaro Mizuno, Ildikó Váncsa

Wednesday, May 10, 9:00am-9:40am (1:00pm - 1:40pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
He has been working on OpenStack development project in NTT R&D since 2011 and is currently a manager of OpenStack community team within NTT Software Innovation Center. He has been the chairman of the Japan OpenStack Users Group (JOSUG) since March 2016.   FULL PROFILE
1 Reviews
Posted: 2863 days ago
unfortunately no real results