Scientific-WG Forum brainstorming produced two scheduling related items which have current blueprints/specs of particular interest to scientific users and deployers:
- Supporting pre-emptible instances
- Resource reservation requirements (particularly related to the Blazar project)
See e.g.:,
Neither of these suggestions had chairs volunteered or nominated, however there seems to be enough active discussion on advanced scheduling use-cases that it would be worthwhile convening a session where:
1) Nova devs can give an update on state of scheduling changes and plans (keeping in mind most operators are 1-2 releases behind current and so be unfamiliar with specs worked on over the past 12 months)
2) Users and operators can describe and flesh out advanced scheduling use-cases that can be used to inform existing and/or new specs
3) Blazar contributors can outline their needs
Moderators: Masahito Muroi, Blair Bethwaite