May 8-11, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Special Hardware

This session would focus on collecting use-cases and best-practices for adding "special" hardware to an OpenStack cloud. And also sharing where the wrinkles/gremlins are.

Possible sub-topics include:
- Suggestions for GPU virtualisation
- SR-IOV best practices
- NUMA best practices
- Huge page size
- BIOS memory reservation

Wednesday, May 10, 9:00am-9:40am (1:00pm - 1:40pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
New Zealand eScience Infrastructure
Blair has worked in distributed computing for over a decade; both in research and for research; for institutional and national projects; from applications, through grid & cloud middleware, to full HPC & cloud systems design, implementation, and operations.   Originally from Christchurch, Blair recently returned to NZ to take up the reigns of Solutions Manager of the New Zealand... FULL PROFILE
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