May 8-11, 2017

Search Result

Schedule Matches

Mon 812:05pm - 12:15pm (4:05pm - 4:15pm UTC)
Turbo Charged VNFs at 40 gbit/s. Approaches to Deliver Fast, Low Latency Networking Using OpenStack
Mon 82:00pm - 2:40pm (6:00pm - 6:40pm UTC)
The 5G Network: A Glimpse Into the Connected Future
Mon 82:50pm - 3:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
7 "Must-Haves" for Highly Effective Telco NFV Deployments
Mon 83:40pm - 4:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
NFV Management and Network Orchestartion (MANO) Using OpenStack
Tue 911:15am - 11:55am (3:15pm - 3:55pm UTC)
How Cloud Native VNFs Deployed on OpenStack Will Change the Telecom Industry
Wed 104:00pm - 4:10pm (8:00pm - 8:10pm UTC)
Optimized Workload Placement Using a New Batch Scheduling Algorithm

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