May 8-11, 2017

Speaker Details

Catherine Lefèvre

Catherine Lefèvre is an AVP in AT&T’s Software Development & Engineering organization.

 She received her master’s degree in computer science and her qualified teaching’s degree in computer science in 1996 from the University of Namur (FUNDP) in Belgium.

After graduation, she became a full-time Software Development Engineer working for Alcatel, implementing projects for the Belgian operator called Belgacom. She later moved on to a role as a Service Design Engineer in the context of the British Telecom market to finally reach the level of Technical Market Responsible in the Intelligent Networks domain.

Since February 2006, she has been identified as a High Potential for the Alcatel-Lucent company.

She has performed some internal career moves resulting in significant changes in project management and customer focus, being exposed to the Corporate Executive Board. She had an opportunity to go to the Manchester Business School in order to follow an executive education in order to improve her knowledge from marketing, financial, project management perspectives.


In 2008, she received the Purple Star Award for her exceptional contribution to the business, demonstrating innovative customer focused approaches in the context of the Benelux business within RU North & West Europe


In 2009, she was one of the Nominees as Benelux People Leader of the Year and was the first finalist lady. She was also one of the Founding members of the Smart Metering Alcatel-Lucent Venture team, utilizing some of her awarded patents. She has explored a potential business in the utility domain focusing on the Smart Metering, meeting meter manufacturers and third party companies in order to build a new product. She therefore become an expert in meter management and meter protocols like C12.X and DLMS (Device Language Message specification)/COSEM (COmpanion Specification for Energy Metering).


She was a Member of the Alcatel-Lucent Technical Academy from 2010 to 2013.


In 2012, she received the S3G Award that recognizes people who are driving a high performance culture within Software, Solutions and Services Alcatel-Lucent Group

In 2013, she was the Guest editor for volume 18 issue 1 of the Bell Labs Technical Journal.  

She also played an active role in the Merger and Acquisition process related to the Open API Platform (assets/people) between Alcatel-Lucent and AT&T. She joined AT&T in October 2013, driving a worldwide team, following Agile practices, Continuous Integration, with a never-ending automation goal.

In 2015, she started to focus on AT&T Domain 2.0 technology (Software Defined Network) - software development best practices; being engaged early on prototypes and proof of concepts, accelerating AT&T’s ability to move from concept to scaled production development, integrating the DevOps Culture. In addition to her contribution to the ECOMP Platform, she is a member of the AT&T “Virtual Network Function” Governance Board and is co-leading the open sourcing of the ECOMP Platform.

Wed 1011:00am - 11:40am ()
Magic Wand Behind Large OpenStack and Virtual Network Functions (VNF) Orchestration - OpenECOMP

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