Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Improving resource availability in CERN private Cloud

On december last year, the last collisions were recorded on the 4 experiments to close a very successful LHC second running period (Run 2). At this very moment, the collaborations at CERN are working hard to upgrade the LHC for the next run that will start in 2021. During the next run, the computational needs required to process all the data produced in the LHC will increase dramatically.

In order to follow these upcoming needs, the CERN private cloud is always looking into ways of optimizing and make more resources available to our clients.  We’ll review the tools that allows us automate the distribution of workloads, increase their efficiency and optimize the cloud environment. This tools are based in OpenStack services like Mistral and Watcher. Finally we’ll show our upcoming work in to push even further the limits of our service offering by looking into optimizing workloads in Kubernetes clusters and preemptible instances.

What can I expect to learn?

The cloud abstraction provides the illusion of infinite resources available for the end user to consume. Then, every cloud service needs to follow the utilisation trend and make resources available before the end user actually demands it. However, adding resources to the pool, sometimes it is not easy or it is tied to business constraints. This makes the equation even more complex.

By optimizing the resources, the cloud provider gets the most from the infrastructure it manages.This provides flexibility to the cloud provider to steer its infrastructure to meet user demand.

Attendees will learn techniques that we are currently using to make more resources available to our clients. Such techniques comprise consolidate or distribute workloads to maximize CPU/IO utilisation, clean up unused resources, and automatic optimization of workloads. These techniques are using existing OpenStack services like Mistral and Watcher.

Monday, April 29, 4:40pm-5:20pm (10:40pm - 11:20pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Jose is a Cloud Architect at CERN. He holds a Msc in Computer Science from Universidad de Oviedo. He joined CERN in 2010 and since then he was been working in virtualisation first and then he become part of the cloud team who build the CERN's OpenStack-based private Cloud. His role comprises to design, implement, integrate and scale the cloud service to cover the laboratory needs. He is... FULL PROFILE
Software Engineer, CERN
Spyros Trigazis is a computing engineer and a member of the CERN Cloud infrastructure team which provides computing resources to the High Energy Physics community. Spyros is the PTL of the Magnum project since the Pike release. FULL PROFILE
4 Reviews
Posted: 2113 days ago
Some unfortunate video issues out of the presenters control, but overall an interesting talk and I'm looking forward to the slides / video and Watcher code being proposed since we have the same scaling issues with Watcher and a multi-cell nova.
Posted: 2119 days ago
Posted: 2119 days ago
Posted: 2120 days ago
As always for the CERN presentations