Since Kilo, keystone has featured the ability to provide federated identity across multiple OpenStack clouds in a configuration we call Keystone to Keystone. In such a setup, one keystone acts as a SAML2.0 identity provider, generating SAML assertions that are consumed by another keystone acting as a service provider. Although this feature has been available for some time, its uses are still not widely understood.
This session will be a technical deep-dive into the core concepts behind Keystone to Keystone federation, focusing on configuring and operating a federated cloud deployment.
The session will include a demonstration of configuring and using Keystone to Keystone federation.
The audience will learn:
* What is Keystone to Keystone federation?
* What are the advantages of Keystone to Keystone federation?
* Terminology and Architecture of Keystone to Keystone federation.
* How to configure Keystone to Keystone federation and debugging tips.
* Whats New in keystone federation and what the keystone team has planned for its future.