Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

What’s new in Nova Cellsv2?

OpenStack Nova CellsV2 provides infrastructure scaling by grouping compute nodes together through database and message queue sharding. CellsV2 are required in any Nova deployment since the OpenStack Ocata release (a default Nova installation comes with a single Cell(V2) setup).

During the Stein development cycle important changes were introduced to improve availability and flexibility in a multi-cellV2 deployment.

If one or more cell databases in a deployment go down, some of the basic but necessary nova operations like listing of servers and counting quotas would not work as expected. These issues have been tackled by using the available information from the nova_api and placement databases.

Additionally, being able to resize across cells has been a long-desired feature for deployments running multiple cells.

This talk aims to present the development challenges faced while implementing these features and the options available to operators.

What can I expect to learn?

This session will provide details on important operational scenarios for those already running or looking to expand to multiple cells and features being added specifically for multi-cell deployments. The presenters will share real-world production use cases from CERN Private Cloud and Huawei Public Cloud.

Tuesday, April 30, 11:40am-12:20pm (5:40pm - 6:20pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Advanced
Cloud Infrastructure Developer, CERN
A problem solving enthusiast holding a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Amrita University, India and a Master's degree in Network Services and Systems from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. She is currently working as an OpenStack Nova developer at CERN. Her responsibilities mostly involve developing new features and fixing issues related to Nova downstream and pushing them... FULL PROFILE
Principal Architect - OpenStack
Matt Riedemann works for Huawei in the cloud unit. He has been involved with OpenStack since the Grizzly release primarily doing upstream development. He was the Nova PTL for the Newton, Ocata, Pike and Queens releases and was the first stable branch maintenance team PTL. He continues to be active on the Nova and stable maintenance core teams. He can be found on freenode IRC as mriedem. FULL PROFILE