Event Details

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Bare metal provisioning in Airship, or "Ironic: it's not just for OpenStack anymore"

Airship is a collection of open source tools for automating cloud provisioning and management for the three levels of abstraction: containers (using Kubernetes), VMs (using OpenStack) and bare metal (currently using MaaS).

Ironic is OpenStack's baremetal provisioning service, but it's also capable of operating in standalone mode. It is already used in that mode in containerized OpenStack deployment projects such as kayobe, and the AirShip community is eager to have Ironic as an additional baremetal provisioning driver for their DryDock component.

This talk discusses the reasoning behind integrating Ironic into Airship and the issues involved in making it happen.

What can I expect to learn?

As a standalone tool Ironic can be useful in many projects, so it's important that the community understands what those are and how that would work.  It's also important for the community to understand how Airship works to make these deployments happen.

Monday, April 29, 3:55pm-4:05pm (9:55pm - 10:05pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Technology Development Program Engineer, AT&T
Michael is a cloud engineer living in Saint Louis, Missouri. He has been developing on the airship collection of projects and integrates this work within AT&T as part of its Network Cloud platform. He has been working in the OpenStack community for about 6 months. Michael has a degree in Computer Science with minors in Computer Engineering and Mathematics from the Missouri Universirty of... FULL PROFILE
After a decade in science, Pavlo joined Mirantis and the OpenStack Community in 2013. He is an active contributor to Ironic, currently leading the Baremetal team at Mirantis. FULL PROFILE
Principal Member of Technical Staff, AT&T
Matt is a cloud engineer living in Saint Louis, Missouri.  He's participated in a number of OpenStack-related efforts in the community, and integrates this work within AT&T as part of its Network Cloud platform.    He has been working in the OpenStack community for about two and a half years; first in a supervisory capacity for AT&T -- onboarding, mentoring, and... FULL PROFILE
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