Did you miss the "Kubernetes in the Real World" talk in Berlin? NEW and IMPROVED (problems change), you'll hear real-world true stories that will take the mystic out of Day 2 and other hard problems. Running Kubernetes in production managing hundreds of TBs of data per day is not easy. But it’s being done all over the world by these experts. Adobe, Kumulus, Red Hat, and Vexxhost take a container-native approach to solving data management and analytics problems.
This talk, derived by Cloud Native community architect (who has run over 100 OpenStack, K8s & Container-related user community meetups, and therefore very familiar with real-world problems), will feature 4 end users, architects, and operators who have been revealing “secrets” at meetups and conferences around the world about running cloud native production workloads in containers, avoiding data gravity and Kubesprawl when deploying in multi-site environments, addressing storage scale, and performance for stateful applications.
Here 5 community veterans will touch on some of the un-documented aspects of K8s deployments, addressing the operational complexity still existing in K8s production systems. Many of these questions arise only after the initial install of a K8s system, and often don’t get covered in end user documentation. In addition, the differences that are still exhibited on a case-by-case basis make it difficult to provide a one-size-fits-all document.
Lisa, architect of the largest official meetup group, has run countless cloud native meetups (over 20 on Kubernetes) and user groups in the SF Bay Area for 10+ years. She connects users and operators with compelling insight to tackle the challenge of running production workloads in containers. Her panels are always intriguing, informative, funny, and full of important content, resulting in a long line of people waiting to continue the conversation. People can’t get enough of the real-world experiences delivered at community conferences and meetups!