Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Project Resource Cleanup - followup

Discussion and follow up around the Project Resource Cleanup goal for Train. Initial discussions were held in Berlin and has continued at the mailing list and etherpad [0] since then, resulting in an official proposal [1].   

In this session we hope to finalize the details of the implementation of this goal.   

[0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/community-goal-project-deletion   
[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/639010/


Volunteer moderator: adriant, tobberydberg

Wednesday, May 1, 3:20pm-4:00pm (9:20pm - 10:00pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Cleura AB
Senior software developer at the OpenStack based public cloud City Network, based in Sweden but with locations around the globe. More than 10 years of industry experience. Tobias main focus is developing City Networks cloud management platform - used for all our OpenStack installations - and other cool complementary features. Also spending some good time maintaining our installations. Big fan... FULL PROFILE
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