Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Bare Metal Cluster-API Implementation with Ironic

Within the Kubernetes community, the Cluster-API project aims to bring simplified Kubernetes deployments using extensions to the Kubernetes API to a variety of cloud providers. In this session we will coordinate the work in the OpenStack community on a bare metal implementation of the Cluster API using OpenStack Ironic.

Tuesday, April 30, 1:40pm-2:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Senior Strategic Program Manager
Chris Hoge is a Senior Strategic Program Manager for the OpenStack Foundation. He's been an active contributor to the Interop Working Group (formerly DefCore), and helps run the trademark program for the OpenStack Foundation. He also works on collaborations between the OpenStack and Kubernetes communities. Previously he worked as an OpenStack community manager and developer at Puppet Labs, and... FULL PROFILE
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