Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

OpenStack QA - Project Onboarding

Project Onboarding gives attendees a chance to meet some of the project team and get to know the project. Attendees will learn about the project itself, the code structure/ overall architecture, etc, and places where contribution is needed. Attendees will also get to know some of the core contributors and other established community members. Ideally, attendees will know/ have completed the basics of contribution (i.e. irc, gerrit, Launchpad, StoryBoard, Foundation Membership) BEFORE attending the session. All of this can be done through our Contributor Guide[1]. [1] https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/code-and-documentation/index.html

Wednesday, May 1, 9:00am-9:40am (3:00pm - 3:40pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Tags: OpenStack
Ghanshyam is currently serving multiple roles in OpenInfra/OpenStack Community. He is the Individual Board of Directors in OpenInfra Foundation, Chair of the OpenStack Technical Committee, Core developer in various OpenStack projects (Nova, QA and a few more), and also served as OpenStack QA project PTL. He started working in OpenStack with NEC in 2012 as a cloud support engineer, and since... FULL PROFILE
RedHat, Senior Software Maintenance Engineer
Masayuki Igawa is a software engineer for over 15 years on a wide range of software projects, and woking at Red Hat, developing open source software related to Linux kernel and virtualization. He's been an active technical contributor to OpenStack since the Grizzly release. He is an OpenStack Tempest, subunit2sql, openstack-health core member. FULL PROFILE