Event Details

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Collaboration Meeting with MPEG experts on Network Based Media Processing

 The cloudification of media processing workflows is a trending approach to achieve more resource efficiency and ensure scalability. This is mostly done in a proprietary way, where a myriad of companies are offering tightly knit integrations of media processing functions with little room for customization. With the emergence of new media services and experiences (such as VR/AR, AI-based processing, and 3D content), the need for higher flexibility is becoming a necessity. 

A service provider may need to deploy their workflows across different cloud service providers and geographical locations. A workflow may run of the media processing functions in the cloud, others in the edge, and yet others on a home gateway on-premise. Service providers are also realizing the need for adopting the microservices design patterns for higher scalability, reusability, decoupling, testability of the different media processing functions. Finally, the emerging 5G networks are promising the capability of deploying custom processing on the edge with high QoS and low latency.

To address these needs and in an attempt to offer the world’s first standardized media workflow composition solution, MPEG is defining the NBMP standard. NBMP provides a unified abstraction layer for composing, controlling, managing, and monitoring flexible media processing workflows, independent of the underlying cloud infrastructure provider(s). NBMP defines the architecture, APIs, media and metadata formats for discovering media processing functions, describing media workflows, deploying media processing workflows, configuring the runtime tasks, monitoring and taking corrective measures in case of faulty behavior. Offering a single standardized cloud-abstraction layer to service providers will give service providers high flexibility and reduce their time to market through the portability that comes with NBMP. The NBMP architecture is depicted in the diagram in "Slides".


Tuesday, April 30, 2:30pm-5:30pm (8:30pm - 11:30pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Samsung Research America