Search Result

Schedule Matches

Mon 2911:10am - 11:50am (5:10pm - 5:50pm UTC)
Keystone Application Credentials: Status and Planning
Mon 2911:10am - 11:50am (5:10pm - 5:50pm UTC)
Next steps for standalone ironic
Mon 2912:00pm - 12:40pm (6:00pm - 6:40pm UTC)
Ironic multi-tenancy and hardware leasing
Mon 292:00pm - 2:40pm (8:00pm - 8:40pm UTC)
Leveraging OpenStack Keystone for Multi-Tenancy Support in Kubernetes
Mon 292:00pm - 2:40pm (8:00pm - 8:40pm UTC)
Fenix - Rolling Maintenance and Upgrade
Mon 292:50pm - 3:30pm (8:50pm - 9:30pm UTC)
Auto Scaling SIG initial discussion
Mon 292:50pm - 3:30pm (8:50pm - 9:30pm UTC)
Consumption models for service projects
Mon 293:50pm - 4:30pm (9:50pm - 10:30pm UTC)
Ibuprofen for Your StoryBoard Pain Points
Mon 293:50pm - 4:30pm (9:50pm - 10:30pm UTC)
Change ownership of resources - followup
Mon 294:40pm - 5:20pm (10:40pm - 11:20pm UTC)
Ops Community Gathering and Meetup Planning
Mon 294:40pm - 5:20pm (10:40pm - 11:20pm UTC)
Technical vision document: Check in and question session
Tue 309:00am - 9:40am (3:00pm - 3:40pm UTC)
Use cases for the new vitrage RCA UI
Tue 309:50am - 10:30am (3:50pm - 4:30pm UTC)
Cross-project best practices for integration with Linux distributions
Tue 309:50am - 10:30am (3:50pm - 4:30pm UTC)
Deployment tools: define common capabilities
Tue 3010:50am - 11:30am (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Edge Computing Group MVP Architecture feedback
Tue 3010:50am - 11:30am (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Nova-Cyborg Integration Updates and Next Steps
Tue 3011:40am - 12:20pm (5:40pm - 6:20pm UTC)
Edge Computing use cases discussion and feedback
Tue 3011:40am - 12:20pm (5:40pm - 6:20pm UTC)
Playing Nice Together - OpenStack Resource Management and Kubernetes Resource Management
Tue 301:40pm - 2:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Update on placement extraction from nova
Tue 301:40pm - 2:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Bare Metal Cluster-API Implementation with Ironic
Tue 302:30pm - 3:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
What is the Edge Computing Group and what it should be doing in the next 6 months?
Tue 303:20pm - 4:00pm (9:20pm - 10:00pm UTC)
Help most needed for SIGs and WGs
Tue 304:20pm - 5:00pm (10:20pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Welcoming New Contributors State of the Union and Deduplication of Efforts
Tue 304:20pm - 5:00pm (10:20pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Ceph and Openstack: Better Together
Tue 305:10pm - 5:50pm (11:10pm - 11:50pm UTC)
Planning & Defining Structure for ‘Help most needed’ list
Tue 305:10pm - 5:50pm (11:10pm - 11:50pm UTC)
Ops War Stories / Architecture Show and Tell
Wed 19:00am - 9:40am (3:00pm - 3:40pm UTC)
We Integrated K8s, What is Next?
Wed 19:00am - 9:40am (3:00pm - 3:40pm UTC)
StarlingX for OpenStack Operators
Wed 19:50am - 10:30am (3:50pm - 4:30pm UTC)
Kayobe user feedback and roadmap
Wed 19:50am - 10:30am (3:50pm - 4:30pm UTC)
Foundations for Image Encryption in OpenStack
Wed 110:50am - 11:30am (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Designate Ops + User Feedback
Wed 110:50am - 11:30am (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Users / Operators adoption of QA tools / plugins
Wed 111:40am - 12:20pm (5:40pm - 6:20pm UTC)
Charting the course for OpenStack Helm
Wed 11:40pm - 2:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Closing compute API feature gaps in the openstack CLI
Wed 11:40pm - 2:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Improving Driver Capability Reporting
Wed 12:30pm - 3:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
The Results are in for the D&I survey.
Wed 12:30pm - 3:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
An Opportunity for Direct User Feedback
Wed 13:20pm - 4:00pm (9:20pm - 10:00pm UTC)
TripleO architecture for thousand node scale
Wed 13:20pm - 4:00pm (9:20pm - 10:00pm UTC)
Project Resource Cleanup - followup
Wed 14:20pm - 5:00pm (10:20pm - 11:00pm UTC)
OpenStack: how to drive common goals ?
Wed 14:20pm - 5:00pm (10:20pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Increasing API accessibility with granular policy and default roles
Wed 15:10pm - 5:50pm (11:10pm - 11:50pm UTC)
Unified limits update and migration
Wed 15:10pm - 5:50pm (11:10pm - 11:50pm UTC)
Operator, end user and Public cloud feedback

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