Speaker Details

Lisa-Marie Namphy
Head of Developer Relations

Lisa-Marie Namphy is one of the OpenStack Ambassadors for the USA and an active member of the OSF Diversity & Inclusion Working Group. Lisa is also a Kubernetes Ambassador. Lisa organizes and runs the SF Bay OpenStack and the Cloud Native Containers User Groups, personally hosting the meetups for the past 9 years. Lisa has been a long time contributor, advocate (and fan) of open source software. In her “day job” Lisa runs the Developer Relations team at Cockroach Labs. Prior to that Lisa was the Director of Marketing and Developer Advocacy at Portworx. For 7 years prior Lisa led marketing and developer advocacy teams across HPE and HP Software. Lisa is a frequent speaker for Diversity & Inclusion initiatives, open source technology, a writer, an avid sports fan, and loves wine and dogs. Follow Lisa on Twitter @SWDevAngel.


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