Some Frequently Asked Questions
Please find answers to frequently asked questions about the Hong Kong Summit here:
ATC Designation on Name Badges:
- If you are an Active Technical Contributor (ATC) and would like to be designated as so on your name badge, please register for the Summit via EventBrite using the same email address that is tied to your Gerrit ID.
Bag / Coat Check:
- Bag/Coat check will be availabale at Asia World-Expo as follows:
- $4.50 USD per piece for the first three hours of storage
- $6.50 USD per piece for the entire day of storage
Dietary Restrictions:
- If you have a special dietary restriction please notify us early on so that we may accomodate you
- Email your dietary request to no later than October 4, 2013
Exchange Rate for Hong Kong Dollars:
- $1.00 USD = $7.75 HKD as of May 15, 2013
- Please reference the Currency Converter for current exchange rates
Registration Refunds & Transfers:
- Refunds and Transfers will be granted from the start of registration through October 25, 2013 - after this time no refunds or transfers can be made.
- To request a refund or transfer email
Summit Format:
- The Hong Kong Summit will run for four days, Tuesday - Friday, November 5-8. Design Summit & breakout sessions will run alongside general session, but not the "keynotes" happening Tuesday and Wednesday morning
- General Session runs Tuesday – Wednesday
- Design Summit sessions run Tuesday – Friday
- Breakout sessions run Tuesday – Friday
Train Discounts:
OpenStack Summit attendees can receive a 50% discount on round-trip train tickets by purchasing them at specially marked OpenStack ticket counters at the AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong or Kowloon train stations. With the discount, round trip tickets to the city center will cost HKD $52.00 (USD $6.70). Attendees must show proof of registration (either a Summit name badge or printed confirmation) and have an Octopus card, a reloadable card payment system that is available for purchase at any train station. The OpenStack ticket counter at the AsiaWorld-Expo station will be open: Nov 5, 6, 7 & 8: 5:00pm – 7:30pm and at Hong Kong and Kowloon stations Nov 4: 12:30pm-5:30pm, Nov 5 & 6: 6:30am-9:00am, Nov 7 & 8: 7:30am-10:00am. Tickets must be used the day they are purchased
- Support simultaneous translation for English and Mandarin speakers in general session, but presentations in English
- Possible language-specific tracks in the breakout sessions for the morning or afternoon (no translation, presentations in specified language, organized by APAC user groups)
- In general, visitors to Hong Kong must have a passport that is valid for at least one month after stay. Requests for inviation letters must be received prior to October 11, 2013. Visit the VISA Information page for more details.