Running Open Infrastucture on Arm64
ARM 服务器因多核,低功耗,自主可控,成为X86服务器很好的替代方案。目前在国内市场,华为和Marvel均提供了具有竞争力Arm服务器芯片和产品,在越来越多的场景下获得了应用,因此将Arm服务器应用在云计算领域获得了越来越多的关注
What can I expect to learn?
1. Arm64服务器的基本状况,和目前的应用场景
2. Arm64在开源基础设施中应用的典型案例分析
3. Arm64在开源基础设施中开发部署出现的问题及解决方案
Tuesday, November 5, 10:50am-11:30am (2:50am - 3:30am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Tech Lead, Linaro
Kevin Zhao is currently the tech lead at Linaro Developer Cloud. Now, he is serving as the Core Reviewer for OpenStack Zun project. He is also an active contributor in Kolla and Nova, mainly focusing on making OpenStack work fine on AArch64. His expertise including container and Kubernetes related technologies, deployment and management of containerized applications, etc. FULL PROFILE
EasyStack Technologies Pte. Ltd., Consulting Architect
ChangBo Guo serves as Individual Director of OpenStack Foundation in 2017/2018 and Oslo PTL for Pike and Queens. He worked on Linux and AIX for several years. He is one of the earliest OpenStack contributors in China. He has been working on the OpenStack since 2012, when he worked on the PowerVM driver under Nova to support IBM Power Systems. He is Oslo core reviewer and have been... FULL PROFILE