Event Details

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Facilitating running OpenStack at scale: join the Large Scale SIG

As OpenStack clusters grow larger, they hit scaling limitations in a number of components. To work around this problem, operators create separate clusters.

Let's discuss creating a "Large Scale SIG" that would tackle specifically those issues, and try to push back the size and activity limits within a given cluster. By sharing performance analysis, it can identify key bottlenecks. By pooling development resources, it can push fixes and new features to address those issues.

What can I expect to learn?

Multiple users report the very same kind of issues when running large clusters. If we could get them to share and work together, we could push back the size limits of a single cluster.

Monday, November 4, 4:50pm-5:30pm (8:50am - 9:30am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Open Infrastructure Foundation, Vice President of Engineering
Thierry Carrez is the General Manager for the OpenInfra Foundation. A long-time elected member of the OpenStack Technical Committee, he has been a Release Manager for the OpenStack project since its inception, coordinating the effort and facilitating collaboration between contributors. Thierry spoke about OpenStack, open innovation and open source project management at various conferences... FULL PROFILE