Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

How should we do billing for OpenStack deployments?

During the Denver 2019 Summit the SIG Public Cloud identified that the current situation around public cloud billing is somewhat fragmented. In general, doing billing have from the gecko been really hard with OpenStack, especially for public clouds.
Since the last Summit some small steps have been taken to get an initiative going to address this [0]. Since then, focus have been around metrics that need to be collected and ways of collect those metrics. Our general feeling is that a lot of operators share the same pain when it comes to billing, and it would be good if we could come together in a joint effort and come up with a viable solution that meets all requirements that are needed for this to work in a production environment, including resiliency, scaling, HA etc.
Ideal outcomes:

* Agree on an architecture that is sustainable and can scale out

* Gather action items on building out certain "generic" components using it

What can I expect to learn?

Ideal outcomes:

  • Agree on an architecture that is sustainable and can scale out
  • Gather action items on building out certain "generic" components using it
Monday, November 4, 10:50am-11:30am (2:50am - 3:30am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Mohammed Naser is the founder & CEO at VEXXHOST.  Mohammed is a seasoned OpenStack expert who has been in the community for over 10 years, serving many leadership positions within OpenStack such as the chair of the technical committee, board member of OpenInfra, project team lead for several projects such as OpenStack-Ansible/Puppet-OpenStack and core member for several projects such as... FULL PROFILE
Cleura AB
Senior software developer at the OpenStack based public cloud City Network, based in Sweden but with locations around the globe. More than 10 years of industry experience. Tobias main focus is developing City Networks cloud management platform - used for all our OpenStack installations - and other cool complementary features. Also spending some good time maintaining our installations. Big fan... FULL PROFILE