November 6-8, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

OpenStack OSprofiler ft. CNCF OpenTracing: Distributed tracing from cloud through container

Distributed tracing is now a must-have feature in distributed system. OpenStack is not out of the loop in this wave. With traceability, devs/ops can quickly find performance bottleneck and root cause of issues in system.

In OpenStack, we have OSprofiler - a small library that act like a tracing tool for many internal OpenStack services (from Nova, Neutron, Keystone, Glance, Cinder,...).

However, with the rise of CNCF OpenTracing, there are a lot of chances for OSprofiler to evolve to a `more` standard and great tool for us to trouble-shoot OpenStack services.

OpenTracing is an open distributed tracing standard for applications. OpenTracing allows developers of application code, OSS packages, and OSS services to instrument their own code without binding to any particular tracing vendor.

In this talk, we introduce how we implementing OpenTracing standard into OSprofiler and how they work flawlessly. Live demos with Uber Jaeger and Zipkin at the end will illustrate this work.

What can I expect to learn?
  1. How OpenStack can collaborate with CNCF in term of distributed tracing
  2. A native and standard distributed tracing library for OpenStack services
  3. Multiple way to trace OpenStack service without vendor lock-in
Tuesday, November 7, 6:05pm-6:15pm (7:05am - 7:15am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
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