November 6-8, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Standing Up and Operating a Container Service on top of OpenStack Using OpenShift

Massachusetts Open Cloud offers virtual machine based IaaS services on top of OpenStack. We recently started offering containers as a service using OpenShift by tightly integrating it with the OpenStack services. Our deployment uses Keystone to authenticate users, Swift to host the Docker registry and Cinder to automatically provision persistent volumes for containers. We use the OpenShift Console to expose our OpenStack cluster to container users in a generic way where they have access to compute, networking, and storage. By coupling container and VM users we are able to achieve a higher density in our cluster usage. We will present our architecture, the challenges we faced while setting up this service (e.g. in case of failures/updates in OpenStack), the best practices we formed (e.g. network patterns we identified to work best) for offering a reliable service, and the experiences of the first large-scale user of our service, a medical imaging service on the cloud.

What can I expect to learn?

We are offering containers as a service using OpenShift by tightly integrating it with the OpenStack services. Our OpenShift deployment uses Keystone to authenticate users, Swift to host the Docker registry and Cinder to automatically provision persistent volumes for containers. We use the OpenShift Console to expose our OpenStack cluster to container users in a generic way where they have access to compute, networking, and storage without making changes to Horizon. We will present our architecture, the challenges we faced while setting up this service (e.g. in case of failures/updates in OpenStack), the best practices we formed (e.g. network patterns we identified to work best) for offering a reliable service, and the experiences of the first large-scale user of our service, a medical imaging service on the cloud.

Wednesday, November 8, 1:50pm-2:30pm (2:50am - 3:30am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
MOC Research Scientist
Dr. Ata Turk is a research scientist in Massachusetts Open Cloud initiative and in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Boston University. His research areas include cloud computing systems, bigdata analytics, energy efficiency, information retrieval, and mobile computing. Prior to joining MOC, Dr. Turk worked at Yahoo Labs, Barcelona, as a member of the Web retrieval... FULL PROFILE
Red Hat
Dan McPherson is a Senior Principal Software Engineer working for Red Hat on OpenShift since 2011.  He has been involved in the development of many facets of OpenShift with a focus on architecture for the last couple of years.  He recently moved to Boston to help drive OpenShift related research at local universities and to lead OpenShift engineering efforts out of Red Hat’s new... FULL PROFILE
Senior software engineer
Currently, I am a Sr. Software Engineer working for the Massachuettes Open Cloud (MOC).  The MOC is a collaboration of reseach groups from Harvard, MIT, Boston University, Northeastern University, University of Massachuettes and industry partners.  Pior to working at the MOC, I have worked in industry and academia as a software engineer for many years. FULL PROFILE