November 6-8, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Features missing in OpenStack core for Public Cloud Providers

After the success of this Forum session in Boston we in the Public Cloud Working Group would like to continue this discussion with the goal of collecting more feature ideas from more public cloud providers.

During the session, we will go through the current list of missing features (see:, add any new ones, flesh out existing ones, gauge popularity and see who is willing to do the required upstream development.

The aim is to drive towards full specs for these features.

We would like PTLs or active contributors to be part of the discussions as well. 

What can I expect to learn?

What work the public cloud working group is currently engaged in, and how to contribute.

Wednesday, November 8, 11:50am-12:30pm (12:50am - 1:30am UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Cleura AB
Senior software developer at the OpenStack based public cloud City Network, based in Sweden but with locations around the globe. More than 10 years of industry experience. Tobias main focus is developing City Networks cloud management platform - used for all our OpenStack installations - and other cool complementary features. Also spending some good time maintaining our installations. Big fan... FULL PROFILE
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