Studies show that diverse teams are the most successful. It is the difference in background, personality, and perspective that contribute to the success. Attracting diverse talent requires understanding why various diversity groups don't pursue tech careers and when they do, why they leave tech fields in greater numbers than non diverse groups.
Often diversity is thought of as a hiring issue, but for an open source community it is important for leaders and team members to be aware of what they can do to encourage diversity and ensure a variety of voices and opinions are heard. Meritocracies have a lot of positives, but they can also lead to teams where all the leaders are people with strong opinions and loud voices and that can be intimidating for some personality types.
Attendees will learn about how diversity is not just a gender or race issue and how teams can benefit from having members with a variety of different backgrounds and perspectives. We will provide advise on how to advertise the roles and goals of a project in a way that attracts people with a variety of job statification criteria to participate in your open source community. Common pitfalls of diversity efforts and how to avoid them will also be covered.
Diversity, or lack there of, effects all members of the community, therefore it is important that both majority and minority groups are involved in these efforts.