With IoT and mobile devices become popular, more and more data are being created at the edge of the network, quite a lot of them should be processed at the edge instead of sending over the network to a central cloud to process. Typically the system has a large amount of edge nodes, and each edge node has only limited resources, and using containers technology somewhat.
In this session we will discuss how to build Edge Computing (Platform) as a Service. The cloud is powered by OpenStack, the edge nodes are OpenStack/Kubernetes running applications in VM, Container or Serverless. We show how easily to add a new edge node and manage its lifecycle including update, patch, monitoring, warning and troubleshooting etc.
The audience is anyone interested in Edge cloud computing. Attendees should learn how to utilize OpenStack to build a Edge Computing platform as a service to easily add OpenStack/Kubernetes edge nodes and manage their lifecyle, to achieve the goal of improving user experience and reducing cost.