November 6-8, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

From Kubernetes to OpenStack - Kubespray, Helm and OpenStack

In order to run OpenStack on Kubernetes, we need components such as:

  • On-premise Kubernetes cluster and related monitoring system
  • Easy-to-manage tools for deploying OpenStack to Kubernetes
  • Deployment configuration for each OpenStack service which is packaged as a distribution unit

In this talk, we explain each of these components. For the first item, Kubespray and Prometheus are used to automatically install and monitor kubernetes, respectively. For openstack deployment, we use our distribution tool which uses Helm internally. For the last one, we use helm charts in OpenStack-Helm Project with our own value-overrides. The way of managing multiple deployment profiles is also explained.

These are all open-source projects. Kubespray and Helm are Kubernetes sub-projects, Prometheus is CNCF project, and OpenStack-Helm is an OpenStack Project.

In this session, presentation and demo are given in parallel in the following order:

  • Explain Kubespray while installing kubernetes
  • Install Helm
  • Explain OpenStack-Helm Chart
  • Finally deploy OpenStack.

What can I expect to learn?

Learn how to easily install Kubernetes and OpenStack using Kubespray, Helm and OpenStack-Helm.

Tuesday, November 7, 11:40am-12:20pm (12:40am - 1:20am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
I am a senior software engineer SK Telecom and one of organizer of OpenStack Korea user group and a leader of Kubernetes Korea group. I had developed many enterprise Java application systems using Java framework like Spring, Hibernate until 2011 and since then, have become a project leader of cloud infrastructure project using OpenStack since Diablo version... FULL PROFILE
Software Engineer
- 9 years of experience with virtualization and Cloud implementation. - DevOps for TACO Openstack in SK Telecom. - Experience on Openstack Ecosystem in Samsung SDS. - Development Samsung SDS Cloud CI/CD system. FULL PROFILE
SK Telecom
I am a soft engineer at SK Telecom, currently working on TACO (SKT All Container Openstack) project which is SKT's own openstack distribution.  My research interest spans system engineering, deployment automation and cloud computing. Prior to SKT, I was a system engineer at KT Cloudware, where I was responsible for deployment automation of openstack infrastructure. I was also a... FULL PROFILE