Emerging Edge Cloud services like Smart City Applications have suffered due to lack of acceptable APIs and services that can dynamically provision and deliver services through Provider Edges. Except for Caching Service which has been used widely by Providers, due to economy of scale in Cloud and few low traffic gaming apps there is little to cheer about. Last OpenStack Summit at Boston the Edge Cloud service was showcased and yet the Fog Computing, OpenEdge Computing and OPNFV all have littile to show in terms of a common agreed API. In this dicussions we like to showcase the Inwinstack and its efforts to revivie OpenEdge Computing Cloudlet to get it to latest Ocata version. The older Kilo CMU Cloudlet version got obsolete. The newer updates on LXD from canonical suports better Live Migration. Thus in our efforts we like to copmare Canonical and CMU /Inwistack efforts through OpenEdge Computinga and OPNFV upstreams to enhanace the Edge Cloud Services.
Attendees are expected to see Collaborate between key players in Edge Cloud promotion for a Commom API. Several falied efforts have shown that simplicity of API is key to support various applications from AR/VR/MR (stateless) to Smart City traffic, police, emergency applications, besides the Video streaming and Voice over IP use cases. The revenue opportunities and buisness aspects are equally important going beyond the techonology for Service Providers who look for valus add services and with least of Infrasrtucture investements.