November 6-8, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Keystone - Project Onboarding

The project onboarding rooms will be set up classroom style, dedicated to the projects that have signed up to teach new contributors about the project code, and give them an opportunity to meet established community members. The idea is that new contributors will come here to get started in the project after they have gone to OpenStack Upstream Institute and already know the basics of contribution.

Monday, November 6, 2:20pm-3:00pm (3:20am - 4:00am UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
I am a software developer focused on OpenStack's Identity program. I am passionate about open-source software and sharing knowledge. I constantly look for ways to improve the performance and scalability of whatever project I'm work on. When I'm not writing or reviewing code I enjoy cooking and tackling restoration projects with my wife. FULL PROFILE
Boston University, Senior Software Engineer
Kristi Nikolla is a Sr. Software Engineer at the Mass Open Cloud and New England Research Cloud, working out of Boston University. He has been an active contributor of OpenStack since 2016, and is currently a maintainer of the Keystone project and a former PTL, as well as a member of the OpenStack Technical Committee. FULL PROFILE
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