November 6-8, 2017

Speaker Details

Adrien Lebre
Full Professor

Dr. Adrien Lebre is Professor at IMT Atlantique.  He received his Ph.D. from Grenoble Institute of Technologies in September 2006. His research interests are distributed and Internet computing. Since 2011, he is member of the Architect and Executive boards of Grid’5000. Dr. Adrien Lebre has taken part to several program committees of conferences and workshops ( ICDCS, CCGRID, SC, HPDC, ICFEC... ). He is the PI of the Discovery Initiative, an Open-Science Initiative aiming at implementing a fully decentralized IaaS manager  and the leader of the Stack Research Group, which focuses on software Stack for Massively Geo Distributed infrastuctures (further information respectively available at and

Adrien Lebre has been deeply involved in the OpenStack ecosystem since the Austin summit in 2016 where he created the OpenStack Fog/Edge/Massively Distributed Clouds WG.


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