Speaker Details
Paul Belanger
Red Hat Inc.
Paul has been an active contributor to OpenStack since September 2012. Paul is a full time contributor to the OpenStack Infrastructure Project; responsible for of the systems that are used in the day to day operation of the OpenStack project as a whole. Prior to joining Red Hat in April 2015, Paul worked as an Asterisk consultant specializing in call centers and automated deployments. Paul currently resides in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada with his lovely wife and 2 daughters.
Mon 6, 5:10pm - 5:50pm ()
Migrating your job from jenkins Job Builder to Ansible Playbooks, a Zuulv3 story
Tue 7, 3:20pm - 4:50pm ()
Windmill 101: Ansible based deployment for Zuul / Nodepool
Wed 8, 9:25am - 9:45am ()
Infrastructure - Project Update