Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

How did OpenStack improve for Public Cloud in recent releases and what are we still missing?

Public Cloud is one of the most important adoptions of OpenStack, and has received more attention for OpenStack developers in recent releases.

In this topic, we would like to share what has been done in OpenStack core projects in recent releases in order to shorten the gap between upstream OpenStack and public cloud customer requirements.

We will also share our true story of how we ran a worldwide OpenStack-based public cloud, and what is still missing for OpenStack to make the operation of OpenStack-based public cloud easier and more reliable.

What can I expect to learn?

Attendees of this topic will be able to learn the latest update of OpenStack features to run a better OpenStack-based public cloud, learn from our experience about how to successfully run OpenStack-based public cloud all over the world, and what are still missing in OpenStack to make a better public cloud. Attendees can also provide feedbacks about their own painpoint when running OpenStack-based public cloud, we will provide suggestions based on our experiences and try our best to push OpenStack shorten those gaps.

Tuesday, May 22, 9:00am-9:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
Zhenyu Zheng joined Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd since Jan. 2015. He is one of the developer in OpenStack development team at Huawei, works full-time in OpenStack Community, focuses on Nova, Searchlight. Searchlight Core Reviewer since Ocata. FULL PROFILE
Huawei Software Engineer
Yikun Jiang is senior software engineer from Huawei opensource development team, Apache Spark Committer, volcano reviewer, working on multi-arch support and improvement of projects in cloud computing and bigdata area. He has six years experience in cloud computing and bigdata optimization. Previously, he was the committer of OpenStack storage project.  FULL PROFILE
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Devoting to OpenStack community contribution, especially in Ceilometer(renamed to "Telemetry" now) project, and now also nvest much time in a new baremetal-computing-as-a-service project named Mogan. Sheng Liu have done well in code commit, code review, community involvement to improve OpenStack capability, stability, usability, etc. In 2015.9, Sheng Liu has been proposed as a core... FULL PROFILE