Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Magnum Debugging 101

The Magnum service brings container orchestration to OpenStack, allowing OpenStack users to get a turnkey Kubernetes, Mesos or Docker Swarm cluster set up and ready to host containers with a simple REST call to the Magnum API. At least that would be the case in an ideal world. In our world, the key does not always turn. And if it does, the (Heat) engine driving Magnum may sputter and die. In the first part, we will closely examine the idealized life cycle of a Magnum cluster, from the initial REST call to the point where the user retrieves the access credentials for the finished cluster. We will follow the cluster through Magnum and the OpenStack components involved in building it as it takes shape and examine the roles the individual services play in creating the cluster bit by bit. In the second part we will provide troubleshooting advice on various parts of the cluster creation process that commonly fail. This part will cover both Magnum and Kubernetes related trouble.

What can I expect to learn?

 In the first part of this talk we will show what components go into a Magnum cluster and get an idea of all the stages it goes through as it is built. In the second partwe will take a closer look at various common failure modes of this process, among them:

  • Magnum cluster-create failures:
  • Various reasons for cluster-create time out
  • Trustee user related failures
  • OpenStack resource creation failures
  • Kubernetes failures:
  • Kubernetes cluster-create fails
  • Pod deployment time out
  • Pods stuck in status "Pending"
  • Pods and services deployed but application is unreachable
  • Protocol violation error when deploying a container

We will look at each of these failure modes in turn and provide you with the know-how to debug and fix them. We will also provide a transcript for offline consumption.

Tuesday, May 22, 3:30pm-3:40pm (10:30pm - 10:40pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Senior Cloud Developer
Johannes Grassler is an active OpenStack developer, currently specializing on Heat, Magnum and Monasca but also dabbling in other projects as the need arises. He currently works as a Cloud Developer for SUSE Linux GmbH. Before that he used to work at SysEleven GmbH, where he built, operated and used an OpenStack cloud since 2014. He has been an an active member of OpenStack DACH e.V., a German... FULL PROFILE
SUSE Linux GmbH
I started with OpenStack in 2013 as an Outreachy intern and have been contributing to OpenStack since. I have worked on horizon, neutron, docs previously and currently focusing on Magnum. I have conducted various OpenStack workshops and frequently speak at events and meetups. Currently working as a developer at SUSE Linux. FULL PROFILE