As network connected devices and applications become more powerful, we are experiencing a shift in the requirements for system architecture and methods of utilizing remote hardware resources.
The focus today is on how to better manage distributed resources, applications and how to best package them for optimal performance. Recent discussions have focused on container and OpenStack workloads; however, virtual machines, cloudlets and unikernels are all viable options for application deployment and execution. Is there one right approach?
This panel will explore and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each of these technologies, coupled with a discussion of technology maturity and market forces involved in delivering the right platform for creating practical solutions to fit the application.
Edge and edge computing are in the focal point of discussions industry wide including the debates on choosing the right technologies to be part of the desired system architecture. Of course the appropriate choice of technology is dependent on the specific use case.
The panel will help with the design considerations by highlighting use cases and experiences of industry experts and summarizing technical requirements the components of the system has to meet.
Some of the metrics that need to be considered include: location of data and compute across the network, the relationship of the nodes to each other, shared or isolated resources, capital costs, management and administration overhead.