Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Working Remotely in a Worldwide Community

In a community as large as ours, there are a lot of different types of workers. There are those who go into the office everyday, there are those with long commutes, and there are those who work remotely. Regardless of your workspace, if you are an OpenStack contributor, you are also a remote worker.

Being a remote worker can be an intensely lonely experience if you aren’t connected with the people you work with. Oftentimes, you work more closely with people who do not work for the same company that you do. With the increase of remote workers, community health and these relationships are even more important to the community at large.

What can I expect to learn?

The panelists work 100% remotely and want to share their experiences with ensuring a healthy work-life balance, avoiding isolation, and other related issues.

  • How do you manage the lack of human contact, day to day?
  • How do you overcome the urge to work extra hours?
  • Does your timezone affect your work hours?
  • What issues has the audience experienced working remotely?
Thursday, May 24, 9:50am-10:30am (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Senior Upstream Developer Advocate
Kendall is a Senior Upstream Developer Advocate at the Open Infrastructure Foundation based in St. Paul, MN. She first started working on OpenStack during the Liberty release (2015) on a single service, but has since been involved in Release Management, the Diversity and Inclusion Working Group, the First Contact SIG, various technical leadership roles and also onboarding activities like... FULL PROFILE
Senior Software Engineer - SUSE
Matthew is a software engineer working at SUSE, where he primarily works on upstream Openstack as a Swift core. Based on the south coast of NSW in Australia, he has been hacking on Swift since 2014. Matthew was the co-founder of the Kororaa Linux distribution which has given him careers in both Linux system administration and software development. FULL PROFILE
Red Hat, Senior Principal Software Engineer
Julia is not your typical engineer. She started her career in networking and eventually shifted to systems engineering. The DevOps movement lead her into software development and the operationalization of software due to the need to automate large scale systems deployments. She is experienced in conveying an operational perspective while bridging that with requirements, and doesn’t mind... FULL PROFILE
Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, Inc
Prior to Red Hat, Flavio worked on Big Data oriented applications, search engines and message systems. He was also an active member of Gnome's a11y team where he contributed to Orca and created MouseTrap, a head-tracker application. Outside Red Hat Flavio likes to take run, travel, hang around with family and friends and whatever seems interesting. Flavio spends most of his time hacking on... FULL PROFILE
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Devoting to OpenStack community contribution, especially in Ceilometer(renamed to "Telemetry" now) project, and now also nvest much time in a new baremetal-computing-as-a-service project named Mogan. Sheng Liu have done well in code commit, code review, community involvement to improve OpenStack capability, stability, usability, etc. In 2015.9, Sheng Liu has been proposed as a core... FULL PROFILE
2 Reviews
Posted: 2489 days ago
Posted: 2489 days ago