Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

How Swift is reshaping the future of storage at eBay

The eBay story with Swift was born many years ago, as this object storage solution is architected for massive scaling and designed for large data access.

The eBay storage team enhanced Swift further to fit many in-house requests and to achieve high scale. Come join us for this presentation where we will discuss:

- Quality of Service (QoS), Rate Limiting
- Caching layer - pushed the concurrent download to 10x
- Persistent Storage across data centers
- Large number of Request Per Seconds
- Higher Durability, Reliability and Availability
- Multi-Tenancy / zone support - Serve multiple zones/ VPC from one cluster


We will also discuss operational challenges and how eBay solved them:

- Swift utilization at eBay
- Monitoring Swift (ELK)
- Applied Hardware optimization and monitoring
- Splitting Proxy-Account-Container-Object (PACO), into PAC-O
- Archival storage solution with Erasure Coding
- Security HTTPs/TLS 1.2 enforcements
- Swift Horizontal scaling for “massive” throughput
- Swift on Kubernetes


What can I expect to learn?

We will take you through interesting journey where team will share challenges with productionizing Swift and how they solved: 

- Large Scale 

- Securtiy

- Performance

- Availability and Durability

- Reliability

- Multi VPC / Security Zone support

- Observability and Monitoring

- Optimizations (HW and SW)


Wednesday, May 23, 5:30pm-6:10pm (12:30am - 1:10am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
ebay inc
Vivek Jain is an architect and dev manager for eBay's cloud and traffic infrastructure teams. He is responsible for building highly scalable and reliable compute/storage and network solutions. Before eBay, he has been working in datacenter and cloud automation area for more than 7 years in Sun Microsystems and Oracle. FULL PROFILE
A versatile Engineer with successful background in Information Technology, Design and Architecture for Infrastructure as a Service, Cloud Computing, Software Defined Network[SDN], Software Defined Storage[SDS] and High Availability solutions with open source technologies. He has rich IT experience with extensive and up-to-date technical background. • 9 years of IT experience, 1 technical... FULL PROFILE
eBay Cloud Infrastructure, Product Owner
20 years of experience in Software Architecture and Technical Product Management, specialized in large distributed workloads running in the Cloud. Currently,Product Owner for eBay Cloud Infrastructure: This includes Cloud Storage (Block Storage and Object Storage), Cloud Compute, and Cloud Networking. Previously, led many business critical initiatives, for various large and small companies.... FULL PROFILE
3 Reviews
Posted: 2486 days ago
Awesome talk.
Posted: 2486 days ago
Posted: 2486 days ago