This case study presents a Smart City pilot in Messina (Italy), featuring surveillance infrastructure based on smart, AI-powered, cameras.
To support several Smart City activities, the University of Messina developed an OpenStack-based framework called Stack4Things (IoTronic). Stack4Things exchanges information between IoT/Edge nodes (e.g. smart cameras) and OpenStack via Horizon and Neutron.
Stack4Things, together with Monasca, the OpenStack Monitoring Service, controls the health of IoT/edge nodes: preprocessing sensor data at the edge, collecting and presenting higher-level information to citizens, law enforcement personnel and municipality staff.
The audience will learn how to run OpenStack-powered Smart City, featuring several use cases. Particlar focus will be devoted to a smart (AI) camera-based surveillance system.
The presentation will feature details in terms of the requirements, the approaches to the problem, challenging deployments (e.g. at the airport) and the solution, with regards to hardware choices for the edge nodes and for the middleware.
Attendees will also learn about Stack4Things, its usage in Smart City scenarios and its focus on ioT/Edge computing, in combination with Monasca for device monitoring and data collection.