Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Kubernetes and Openstack unified networking using Calico - Hands on Lab

Currently in a datacenter everyone has containers managed by Kubernetes and also Openstack as a IAAS platform . we need a unified way to making sure that these kinda of hybrid setup can works on same network . Project Calico help us to bridge that gap . Calico provides a pure L3 fabric solution for interconnecting Virtual Machines or Linux Containers (“workloads”). Instead of a vSwitch, Calico employs a vRouter function in each compute node.From Kubernetes to OpenStack, AWS to GCE, Calico supports all of major cloud providers.

Before coming to the session, Please download the VirtualBox image from the following URL, the File size is appx 3.2 GB.
You need Virtualbox version 5.2.10 or up to import this image


What can I expect to learn?

This hands-on lab is intended for openstackers and kubernetes experts with intermediate knowledge of networking and some hands-on experience with Docker containers and kubernetes .  Attendees will learn about the integration of kubernetes and openstack with calico project for common networking operations . As a part of hands-on session we will create this environement and also go through various exercises which will help you to understand how all these components are tied together . 

Thursday, May 24, 11:00am-12:30pm (6:00pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Principal Solution Architect
Amol Chobe has more than 19 years of experience building various products and maintaining infrastructure for supporting products for Telco and Financial industry. Amol has worked with Engineering and Development teams to design and build systems to support new services.  FULL PROFILE