Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Istio: How to make multicloud applications Real

Istio is a service mesh.


Learn what a service mesh does and how Istio specificially is used to create multicloud applications from a panel of experts.

What can I expect to learn?


Learn what a service mesh does and how Istio specificially is used to create multicloud applications.

Thursday, May 24, 2:40pm-3:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Senior Strategic Program Manager
Chris Hoge is a Senior Strategic Program Manager for the OpenStack Foundation. He's been an active contributor to the Interop Working Group (formerly DefCore), and helps run the trademark program for the OpenStack Foundation. He also works on collaborations between the OpenStack and Kubernetes communities. Previously he worked as an OpenStack community manager and developer at Puppet Labs, and... FULL PROFILE
Co-Founder and CEO
Steve has been involved in open source for the entirety of his career. Steve served as an elected member of the board of directions of the OpenStack foundation, invented OpenStack Kolla, invented OpenStack Heat, designed and co-led OpenStack Magnum, invented the Corosync cluster engine, and served as a working group leader within the Istio community. Steve is now leading the next generation of... FULL PROFILE
Core Contributor, Istio
Lin is a core contributor and maintainer on Istio. She is passionate about new technologies and love to play with them. She is a master inventor, currently, holds 100+ patents filed or pending with USPTO along with hundreds of articles published at FULL PROFILE
Software Engineer
Costin is a Google engineer working on Istio. In the past he worked on Android authentication, cloud messaging and webpush. Long ago he also worked on Apache Tomcat/Ant  FULL PROFILE
Zack is a core contributor to Istio and a founding engineer at Tetrate. He previously worked on Istio at Google, and before that on a variety of teams across Google Cloud Platform. FULL PROFILE